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EasyPAT History

15 July 2024 (1.00.7004)
- Added option to change the ordering of photo attachments.
- Fixed Mobile Manager copying settings working correctly.

18 March 2024 (1.00.7003)
- Fixed deleting certificates within Reports Manager working correctly.
- Fixed sending reminders working correctly.
- Fixed importing certificates into subfolders working correctly.
- Added option to change case of Appliance ID.
- Cloud Server - all attachments are now stored on the cloud.
- Cloud Server - all logos are now stored on the cloud.
- Cloud Server - all engineers signatures are now stored on the cloud.

06 December 2023 (1.00.7002)
- New support for cloud server database.
- Improved Reports Manager performance when showing large certificate lists.
- Fixed editing shared address book contacts saving correctly.
- Fixed advanced printing colour options working correctly.

19 September 2023 (1.00.7001)
- Fixed saving certificates working correctly.

06 September 2023 (1.00.7000)
- Photo attachments are now printed with the correct aspect ratio.

14 July 2023 (1.00.6900)
- Fixed overwriting locked certificates working correctly.

03 July 2023 (1.00.6800)
- Fixed exporting attachments working correctly.

02 June 2023 (1.00.6700)
- Improved Reports Manager for users with large databases.
- Improved speed when searching for certificates.
- Fixed locking certificates working correctly.
- Added support for searching the Shared Address book.

16 May 2023 (1.00.6600)
- Fixed exporting as shared error when certificates contain certain characters.
- Fixed default email message working correctly.
- Fixed Dropbox saving PDFs working correctly.
- Fixed Bulk Replacing appliace retest dates working correctly.

06 April 2023 (1.00.6500)
- Fixed spelling check working correctly.
- Fixed Reports Manager printing reports correctly.
- Fixed attachments importing correctly.

28 February 2023 (1.00.6400)
- Improved performance when working with large reports.
- Fixed bug with linking to Google Drive working correctly.
- Fixed Mobile Manager copying logo files correctly.

15 December 2022 (1.00.6300)
- Improved security options for password protected users.
- Fixed moving appliances up and down.
- Fixed crashing within shared certificate when searching for certificates.

07 April 2022 (1.00.6200)
- Fixed Shared Certificate folders being dragged and dropped on each other.
- Fixed attachments working correctly with .jpeg files.

20 October 2021 (1.00.6100)
- New support for Windows 11.
- Improved support for saving pdf to Dropbox, GoogleDrive and OneDrive.

05 July 2021 (1.00.6000)
- Added option to filter by Organisation within Shared Certificates.
- Added summary for appliance descriptions.

25 May 2021 (1.00.5900)
- Added support for dragging/dropping with Shared Certificates.
- Added option to print colour coded appliance status.
- Updated support for improved folder integration within Shared Certificates.
- Fixed using number variables within certificate numbers.
- Fixed Reports Manager filtering by date working correctly.
- Fixed crashes when linking Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive accounts.

19 February 2021 (1.00.5800)
- Updated Import Appliances window to select items by Site.
- Updated Shared Certificates window to archive old certificates.
- Fixed exporting as shared for large certificates with attachments.
- Improved speed when exporting certificates as shared.
- Fixed logo files being printed correctly after restoring a backup.

21 January 2021 (1.00.5700)
- Added option to print colour coded appliances.
- Added option to import appliances from other certificates.
- Added option to bulk add new appliances.
- Added new section for pinned certificates.
- Added option to reorder the certificate sections on the left sidebar.
- Added option to rename the certificate sections on the left sidebar.
- Improved spelling check system.
- Fixed some large DPI sizing issues.
- Fixed Organisation Logo printing correctly when moved to the right.
- Fixed text curruption when importing certificates from the mobile software.
- Updated Submit Problem system to show history of submitted tickets.
- Fixed Submit Problem system working with large databases.

27 August 2020 (1.00.5600)
- Added options to automatically insert or append another PDF into your certificate when saving to pdf.
- Fixed toolbar customisations saving correctly.

25 June 2020 (1.00.5500)
- Added new Shared Address book for sharing contacts between pcs and mobiles/tablets.
- Updated postcode lookup to include company names.
- Updated Appliances Summary page to list by Site.
- Added support for watermark options for printing/saving to pdf.
- Added support for dragging and dropping contacts within the Address Book.
- Improved dragging and dropping of certificates and folders.
- Added option to stop prompting/opening PDF at the end of each save.
- Improved Settings window to support high DPI.
- Added option to print Test Prices list.
- Added option to print Repair Prices list.
- Added option to print Additional Charges list.

27 April 2020 (1.00.5400)
- Improvements made when using a server database.
- Improved using the appliance failed reason dropdown for large databases.
- Fixed crash when loading the additional charges price list.
- Improved printing of reminders lists.
- Added option to right-click on the left sidebar to print/email certificates.
- Added option to right-click on the left sidebar to export certificates.
- Fixed copying and pasting Address Book contacts.

05 February 2020 (1.00.5300)
- Fixed security issue with logging into the software.
- Fixed invoices saving correctly.

24 January 2020 (1.00.5200)
- Added new heading styles with circles.

10 January 2020 (1.00.5100)
- Added option to automatically delete certificates after importing from shared.
- Updated certificate tile view to show locked certificates.
- Updated certificate tile view to show date updated.
- Improved large DPI when using certificate tile view.
- Added option to send e-mail notification for automatic online backups.
- Fixed postcode lookups working correctly when first used.
- Fixed logos and signatures being included within backups working correctly.

12 November 2019 (1.00.5000)
- Added option to send e-mail notifications on sharing certificates.
- Added option to automatically delete certificates after importing from shared.
- Updated certificate tile view to show locked certificates.
- Updated certificate tile view to show date updated.
- Improved large DPI when using certificate tile view.

28 October 2019 (1.00.4900)
- Added option to filter Shared Certificates by client name.
- Added option to filter Shared Certificates by installation name.
- Added option to search Shared Certificates by client name and postcode.
- Added option to search Shared Certificates by installation name and postcode.
- Improved Shared Certificates filter options.
- Fixed registered organisation logo printing correctly.
- Fixed saving PDF files to cloud working correctly.

14 October 2019 (1.00.4800)
- Updated main search results to split into certificate groups.
- Updated Shared Certificates search results to split into certificate groups.
- Updated Shared Certificates to show recently deleted certificates.
- Updated Shared Certificates to show filter options.
- Fixed importing certificate files when opened from Windows Explorer.
- Fixed resizing and rotating images within the attachments window.
- Updated Address Book to intergate postcode lookups.
- Updated Address Book to show recently used addresses.
- Fixed folders showing correctly within the Templates section.

09 September 2019 (1.00.4700)
- Added option to bulk replace test prices.
- Added option to bulk replace failed reasons.
- Added option to bulk replace appliance comments.
- Added options to set custom PDF file names for each type of certificate.
- Added options to set custom PDF file names when uploading to Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
- Added options to set custom PDF file names when emailing certificates.
- Added options to set large icons within certificates lists and address book.
- Updated Shared Certificates window to show templates separatly.
- Updated Shared Certificates to search by certificate type.
- Updated main certificates screen to search by certificate type.
- Updated main certificates list for easier navigate.
- Updated Shared Certificates window for easier navigation.
- Updated Address Book window for easier navigation.
- Added option to rename certificate groups and certificate names.
- Improved support for high DPI.
- Updated Registered Organisation logo to print with more space.
- Updated logos to now be stored within the certificates database.
- Added option to change the path where logos are stored.
- Added option to change logo names.
- Updated Reports Manager to now print total reports listed.
- Updated templates to now support adding attachments.
- Fixed status bar panels showing correctly with large DPI.
- Added Restore Default options to logo settings screens.
- Added option to export list of shared certificates to Excel/Word.

16 July 2018 (1.00.4600)
- Added option to have full headings with triangles on the right side for printing.
- Added option to have input boxes with round edges for printing.
- Fixed printing text with small columns when saving to PDF.

27 June 2018 (1.00.4500)
- New improved printing for long appliance numbers, descriptions and locations.
- New improved printouts for Reports Manager to accommodate long names and numbers.
- Added option to invoices to set tax designation.
- Added option to invoices to change the currency symbol used.
- New support for using HTTPS when connecting to Tysoft servers.

13 October 2017 (1.00.4400)
- Added option to export PDF files direct to Google Drive.
- Added option to export PDF files direct to Microsoft OneDrive.
- Added option to copy the Client Address information into the Installation Address boxes.
- Fixed Mobile Manager default Organisation, Engineer and Instrument being saved correctly.
- Fixed installation address importing correctly from mobile certificates.
- Fixed automatic backups working correctly with Windows Scheduled Tasks.
- Added option to set a default certificate name when creating new certificates.
- Added option to copy the Client Address information into the Installation Address boxes.
- Added option to remove test dates and retest periods for each appliance.

01 February 2017 (1.00.4300)
- Appliance comments now prints across multiple lines.
- Appliance failed reasons now print across multiple lines.
- Added option to set default comments for creating new Invoices.
- Added option to set default Next Inspection date for new certificates.
- Added option to copy and paste Address Book contacts.
- Fixed sizing issues when using large fonts/high DPI.

10 October 2016 (1.00.4200)
- Added support for exporting PDF files direct to Dropbox.
- Updated Backups menu to show automatic backup status.
- Added search options when importing attachments from other certificates.
- Added option to export Appliance Summarys to file.
- Fixed Appliance Summarys saving to PDF correctly.
- Fixed attachments working correctly when using an apostrophe character
- Improved signatures system so only the correct signature can be selected from the dropdown and printed.
- Added option to set default organisation for each user.
- Added option to set default engineers for each user.
- Added option to set default instrument for each user.
- Added security options to disable using Dropbox options.
- Added security options to disable editing certificate numbers.
- Fixed security options working to disable printing for certificates.

13 April 2016 (1.00.4100)
- Added recent file dropdown list to Attachments section.
- Added option to import attachments from other certificates.
- Fixed crash on clicking Printer settings.

14 March 2016 (1.00.4000)
- Fixed crash when saving certificates.
- Added option to create folders within the Certificate Sharing system.
- Importing and exporting certificates now includes reminders.
- Fixed toolbar icons showing correctly with high DPI.

26 November 2015 (1.00.3900)
- Added save progress window to fix hanging/crashing on saving large reports.
- Added option to search certificate comments.
- Updated Status Bar to show current reminders due.
- Fixed crash when accessing Outlook Address book.
- Fixed Address Book working correctly when using a large amount of contacts.
- Fixed PDF tools reordering pages for large PDF files.
- Fixed random crash on saving new certificates.
- Fixed attachment preview icons showing correctly.

16 October 2015 (1.00.3800)
- Fixed crashing when adding lots of new appliances.
- Improved security options with many more restrictions now included.
- Improved printing of certificate reference when long numbers are used.
- Added option to undelete certificates from the sharing system.

14 September 2015 (1.00.3700)
- Added option to merge PDF files into a single document.
- Added option to change the page ordering for PDF documents.
- Added option to automatically fill columns with a custom entry.
- Reports Manager can now print simple and detailed reports.
- Fixed client and installation addresses loading when using templates.

17 July 2015 (1.00.3600)
- New support for Microsoft Windows 10.
- Added new validation window to show any appliance errors and warnings.
- Added option to set E-mail defaults.
- Added option to import/export dropdown lists.
- Updated report view to show locked column.
- Updated report view to show reminders column.
- Updated report view to show attachments column.
- Updated report view to allow column reordering.
- Added option to sort by locked certificates.
- Added option to sort by certificates with reminders.
- Added option to sort by certificates with attachments.
- Reports Manager now lists Client Name column.
- Reports Manager now lists Installation Name column.
- Reports Manager now supports column reordering.
- Added options to change the default PDF file name.
- Import Shared Certificates window now shows locked column.
- Import Shared Certificates window now shows reminders column.
- Import Shared Certificates window now shows attachments column.
- Import Shared Certificates window now allows column reordering.
- Added option to export appliance lists to CSV files.
- Added option to export appliance lists to XML files.
- Added option to export appliance lists to HTML files.
- Added option to set comments for each certificate.

24 April 2015 (1.00.3500)
- Added new postcode lookup to automate entering address information.
- Fixed spelling check Change All working correctly.
- Added recently imported certificates to now show in Recent Certificates section.

01 April 2015 (1.00.3400)
- Fixed support for large fonts/high DPI.
- Fixed spelling checker saving custom words correctly.
- Added Not Yet Printed to default status list.
- Added Not Yet E-mailed to default status list.
- Improved speed when duplicating certificates.

15 December 2014 (1.00.3300)
- Fixed crash when using the software with the Reminders window still open.
- Added option to change attachments to greyscale, negative, lighten and darken.
- Added option to change attachments preview size.

18 November 2014 (1.00.3200)
- Added option to right-click columns and change text case.
- Added option to rotate attachments left, right, flip and mirror.
- Improved exporting multiple certificates at the same time, now only a single click is required.
- Improved saving multiple certificates to PDF at the same time, now only a single click is required.
- Improved appliances lists where you can now navigate using the keyboard.
- Fixed sorting appliances which contain certain characters.
- Added Synced Status column to display the status of shared certificates.
- Added option to filter by Synced Status within Shared Certificates window.
- Fixed Reports Manager filtering by folders correctly.
- Fixed editing reminders for existing certificates.
- Certificate reminders are now automatically generated for relevant certificates.
- Improved performance when adding, renaming, and moving folders.
- Fixed saving database backups when connected to a shared database server.
- Fixed restoring database backups when connected to a shared database server.
- Fixed saving Online Web Backups when connected to a shared database server.
- Fixed saving automatic backups when connected to a shared database server.
- Fixed Merge Database importing certificates correctly.
25 June 2014 (1.00.3100)
- Added option to print Appliance Summary Report.
- Added option to print Repairs Summary Report.
- Added option to print Sites Summary Report.
- Added option to print Locations Summary Report.
- Added option to print Overdue Tests Summary Report.
- Added option to Search certificates within Shared Certificates window.
- Added option to Filter Certificates within Shared Certificates window.
- Improved Shared Certificates recent certificates listing.

04 June 2014 (1.00.3000)
- New supported for Firebird SQL Server database to improve multi user support.
- Fixed importing appliances from the mobile software.
- Fixed Appliances Repairs Summary listing working correctly.
- Fixed Appliance Reminders list printing evaluation markings.

03 April 2014 (1.00.2900)
- Improved certificate importing and exporting times.
- Improved printing performance when working with large certificates.
- Added option to set a default Certificate Status for new certificates.
- Added option to set a default limit for Microwave Leakage tests.
- Added option to set a default limit for RCD Trip Time tests.
- Added option to search Appliances within certificates.
- Updated Save As option to automatically increment certificate numbers.

05 December 2013 (1.00.2800)
- Added option to input RCD test results.
- Added option to input Microwave test results.
- Added option to print report of Visual Appliances.
- Added option to print report of Appliance Notes.
- Added option to print report of RCD's.
- Added option to print report of RCD's Detailed.
- Added option to print report of Microwaves.
- Added prompt when overwriting shared certificates.
- Added prompt when overwriting local certificates.
- Added option to resize attachments when using large photographs.
- Added Key to printed reports.

30 August 2013 (1.00.2700)
- Added option to view a list of Certificate Reminders.
- Added option to print a list of Certificate Reminders.
- Added option to export list of Certificate Reminders to Excel.
- Added option to export list of Certificate Reminders to Word.

28 May 2013 (1.00.2600)
- Added option to not split sites into separate headings.

18 January 2013 (1.00.2500)
- New support for Android tablets.
- Sites are now split into separate headings.
- Total appliances per site are now listed in each heading.

29 October 2012 (1.00.2400)
- New support for Windows 8.

11 September 2012 (1.00.2300)
- Improved PDF printing.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and select Save As.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and Print.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and Save PDF Document.
- Fixed printing Current Appliance report correctly.
- Fixed appliance filter working correctly.
- Added option to save certificates to BMP files.
- Added option to save certificates to JPG files.
- Added option to save certificates to PNG files.

29 June 2012 (1.00.2200)
- New support for importing from MemoryPAT .CSV files.

13 June 2012 (1.00.2100)
- Improved support for exporting to Excel.
- Exporting to Excel now indicates failed appliances in red.
- Added option to Address Book to view all addresses.
- Added option to show recent certificates only in Shared Certificates window.
- Added option to undelete certificates.

22 August 2011 (1.00.2000)
- New support for IPhone and IPad devices.

16 May 2011 (1.00.1900)
- Added support for importing Megger PAT 420 (.CSV) files.
- Added option in Reports Manager to export list to Microsoft Word.
- Added option to export Appliances list to Microsoft Word.
- Updated Appliances Summary dialog to show Total Visual Tests Only.
- Updated Appliances Summary dialog to show Total Sites.
- Updated Appliances Summary dialog to show Total Locations.
- Added Overdue Test dialog to show overdue tests for each appliance.
- Added Back/Forward buttons to Edit Appliance dialog to quickly edit appliances.
- Added support for selecting custom columns within appliances list window.
- Added option to filter by Subfolders within Advanced Filter Settings window.
- Added security options for setting permissions for each user.
- Updated Completion Certificate to include contractor title/address/telephone number.
- Fixed contractor address printing correctly when creating invoices.
- Updated Address Book to group contacts better when using Mr/Mrs/Miss within the names.

17 February 2011 (1.00.1800)
- New support for Windows Phone 7 devices.
- Added option to set appliance discounts for each pricing scheme.
- Added locked icon when viewing shared certificates that are locked.
- Added Sort By Shared Date to shared certificates window.
- Added Sort By Author to shared certificates window.
- Added option for shared certificates to now include certificate attachments.
- Added option to set Author Name in shared certificates window.
- Added telephone number to be printed in Reports Manager for clients/installation address.
- Added option in Reports Manager to filter by locked certificates.
- Added option in Reports Manager to filter by certificates with reminders.
- Added option in Reports Manager to filter by certificates with attachments.
- Added option in Reports Manager to export list to Microsoft Excel
- Added certificate Summary dialog for managing certificate folders.
- Added option to merge certificate databases.
- Added option to find databases on your computer or external media.
- Fixed issues when saving PDF files with 64bit Windows Vista/7.

13 September 2010 (1.00.1700)
- Added support for importing Metrel GammaPAT (.CSV) files.
- Added support for printing photograph attachments within your reports.
- Added option to share certificates online for customers with multiple licenses.
- Added option to set PDF permissions when saving PDF documents.
- Added option to set PDF passwords when saving PDF documents.
- Added option to store appliance defaults when adding new appliances.
- Added option to right-click on columns to set values.
- Updated certificate number size to use larger certificate numbers if required.
- Improved database performance for large reports and networked databases.

11 August 2010 (1.00.1600)
- Added support for importing Transmille 6080 (.TTX) files.
- Added support for importing Metrel BetaPat Plus 3304 (.CSV) files.
- Added support for filtering by next test date within Reports Manager.
- Added option to filter appliances by Appliance ID on printing reports.
- Added option to filter appliances by Test Date on printing reports.
- Added option to filter appliances by Site on printing reports.
- Added option to filter appliances by Location on printing reports.
- Added option to filter appliances by Retest Period on printing reports.
- Added option to filter appliances by Retest Date on printing reports.
- Added option to Find Next Passed appliance.
- Updated Appliances Summary dialog to show appliances count for each site.
- Updated Appliances Summary dialog to show appliances count for each location.

04 June 2010 (1.00.1500)
- Added option to Print Site Survey Forms.
- Added option to change case for appliance sites, descriptions and locations.
- Added support for importing Metrel BetaPat .OPT files.
- Added support for importing Metrel OmegaPat .OPT files.
- Added option to set Retest Period to 72 months.
- Added Next Test Date column to Reports Manager view.
- Added new Bulk Replace dialog for replacing information in all appliances.
- Invoice information is now saved.
- Invoice numbers now automatically incremented each time.
- Fixed issues when saving and reopening reports some appliance information was lost.
- Added Date Completed column to certificate reports view.
- Added option to set/change Date Completed for certificates.
- Added support for filtering by date created within Reports Manager.
- Added support for filtering by date completed within Reports Manager.
- PDA: Added option to delete all certificates.

05 March 2010 (1.00.1400)
- Added option to bulk replace appliance information.
- Added option to renumber all appliances.
- Added option to find next failed appliance.
- Added option to find duplicate appliances.
- Added Summary of Repairs dialog.
- Added Summary of Sites dialog.
- Added Summary of Locations dialog.
- Added Site field to Appliances dialog.
- Added Fuse Rating field to Appliances dialog.
- Added Class type field to Appliances dialog.
- Added Date Created column to detailed certificates view.
- Added Next Test Date column to detailed certificates view.
- Added option to add custom Test Prices.
- Added option to add custom Repair Prices.
- Added option to add Attachments to Appliances.
- Added options to select the next generated appliance number.
- Added option to create certificate sub-folders.
- Added option to automatically backup your certificates.
- Added option to print striped lists.
- Updated Print Preview window.
- Added option to set company logo to print at top left or top right corner.
- PDA: Updated to include new Sites field.
- PDA: Updated to include new Fuse Size field.
- PDA: Updated to include new Class field.

11 December 2009 (1.00.1300)
- Fixed Charge Code being set correctly on importing appliances.
- Continuation for General Comments now contains text formatting options.
- Added option to export appliances to Microsoft Excel.
- Improved certificate Check-in time for large certificates.
- Added option to export Address Book contacts to a .CSV file.
- Added option to import Address Book contacts to a .CSV file.
- Online Web Backup system now backs up logo files and scanned signatures.

20 October 2009 (1.00.1200)
- Added support for importing Kewtech KT74 (*.TXT) files.

18 September 2009 (1.00.1100)
- Added support for Microsoft Windows 7.
- Added support for importing PatsLink (*.OPT) files.
- Added option to apply discount on invoices.
- Fixed Client Telephone and Fax number printing on Invoices.
- Added Information Bar to main appliance page.

24 August 2009 (1.00.1092)
- Added option to print Detailed Appliance Report.

14 August 2009 (1.00.1091)
- PDA: Added option to set PAT Tester for each appliance.
- PDA: PAT Tester limits are now selected automatically.
- Added option to view/sort by Site within Import Appliances dialog.
- Added option to delete multiple items with Import Appliances dialog.
- Invoices can now be saved to PDF documents.
- Added option to print 1 appliance per page report.
- Fixed printing multiple pages issue on Windows Vista.

10 June 2009 (1.00.1080)
- Added support to import appliances direct from Fluke 6500 (*.FLK) files.
- Added support to import appliances direct from Robin SmartPAT (*.ROB) files.
- Added support to import appliances direct from Megger PAT4V (*.ASC) files.
- Online Web Backup Service now available.
- Fixed VAT Registration Number printing correctly on invoices.
- Fixed Fax Number printing correctly on invoices.
- Added Reports View to Address Book.
- Updated Recent Certificates section to correctly list this week/last weeks certificates.
- Added Basic View/Advanced Views to Reports Manager.
- Added option to add a comment/description to each certificate reminder.
- Added Status column to Open/Recent Certificates in Reports View.
- Added option to drag and drop certificates into folders.
- Added option to select multiple certificates to delete.
- Added option to select multiple certificates to Check-Out.
- Added option to Printer Settings to Reinstall PDF Printer driver.

27 March 2009 (1.00.1070)
- Added option to use a Registered Organisation Logo.
- Added option to configure company logo size and position.
- Added option to setup multiple company logos.
- Fixed PDF printing problems on Windows Vista 64bit.
- Added option to set a PAT tester against each appliance.
- Added option to set PAT tester limits for each instrument.

20 February 2009 (1.00.1060)
- Fixed Submit Problem system working correctly with new server upgrades.
- PDA: Fixed dropdown menus not displaying correctly on certain devices.

27 January 2009 (1.00.1050)
- Added new Passed and Failed Appliances (Simple) report.
- Fixed old certificates listing appliances correctly.
- Added option to print completion date as MM/YYYY.

15 January 2009 (1.00.1040)
- PDA: Fixed Insulation Resistance automatically being filled in.
- Fixed finding appliances using partial words correctly.
- Fixed Next Test Date being correctly set on existing certificates.

08 January 2009 (1.00.1030)
- Outlook Address Book integration now lists home addresses.
- Added option to print Invoices.

15 December 2008 (1.00.0020)
- Added additional test information to appliance items.
- Improved print preview.
- Improved PDF print quality.
- Improved PDF file size once saved.
- Added option to print Completion Certificate.
- Added option to print review Reports Manager.
- Added option to print in Economy Mode.
- Added option to specify Installation Address within certificates.
- Added View Appliance Summary option.
- Added option to Replace Abbreviations.
- Added option to specify custom appliance Test Prices.
- Added option to specify custom appliance Repair Prices.
- Added option to specify custom appliance Additional Charges.
- Added option to configure validation settings.
- Added option to find appliances.

09 October 2008 (1.00.0010)
- Added option to print Repair Code Descriptions list.
- Insulation Resistance automatically filled in on certificates.
- PDA: Appliance Description now lists all entries from the current certificate.
- PDA: Appliance Location now lists all entries from the current certificate.
- PDA: Fixed issue with instrument information not transferred correctly.
- PDA: Fixed transferring continuation pages to desktop software correctly.
- Added News notification system to notify about Tysoft updates.

27 August 2008 (1.00.0001)
- Initial release.