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EasyCert History

15 July 2024 (1.10.0017)
- Added option to change the ordering of photo attachments.
- Fixed attachments saving correctly when saving as certificates.
- Fixed validating DB's working correctly.
- Fixed reordering DB's saving correctly.
- Fixed Mobile Manager copying settings working correctly.

25 March 2024 (1.10.0016)
- Fixed text corruption when saving observations and recommendations.
- Fixed instrument reminders saving correctly.
- Fixed deleting certificates within Reports Manager working correctly.
- Fixed sending reminders working correctly.
- Fixed DB ordering saving correctly when importing multiple DBs.
- Fixed DB text colours printing correctly.
- Fixed importing certificates into subfolders working correctly.
- Fixed spelling mistake within the Minor Works Certificate.
- Cloud Server - all attachments are now stored on the cloud.
- Cloud Server - all logos are now stored on the cloud.
- Cloud Server - all engineers signatures are now stored on the cloud.

11 December 2023 (1.10.0015)
- New support for cloud server database.
- Fixed DB connections printing correctly.
- Fixed Reports Manager sorting certificates correctly.

30 November 2023 (1.10.0014)
- Improved Reports Manager performance when showing large certificate lists.
- Fixed editing shared address book contacts saving correctly.
- Fixed Domestic Visual Inspection Certificate observations printing correctly.
- Fixed advanced printing colour options working correctly.

19 September 2023 (1.10.0013)
- Fixed saving certificates working correctly.

12 September 2023 (1.10.0012)
- Fixed exporting certificates as shared working correctly.

06 September 2023 (1.10.0011)
- Fixed custom defined lists working correctly.
- Photo attachments are now printed with the correct aspect ratio.

14 July 2023 (1.10.0010)
- Fixed overwriting locked certificates working correctly.

29 June 2023 (1.10.0009)
- Fixed exporting attachments working correctly.
- Fixed copying and pasting DBs working correctly.
- Fixed Fire Alarm site survey certificates printing correctly.
- Fixed Additional Supply continuation printing correctly.
- Fixed importing DBs with observations working correctly.
- Fixed importing DBs with attachments working correctly.

05 June 2023 (1.10.0008)
- Fixed spelling check working correctly.
- Fixed exporting as shared error when certificates contain certain characters.
- Fixed default email message working correctly.
- Fixed Dropbox saving PDFs working correctly.
- Fixed spelling mistake with Domestic Fire Alarm certificate.
- Improved Reports Manager for users with large databases.
- Improved speed when searching for certificates.
- Added support for searching the Shared Address book.
- Added option to import circuits from other certificates.

09 January 2023 (1.10.0007)
- Fixed Means of Earthing tickbox printing correctly.

13 December 2022 (1.10.0006)
- Fixed certificate numbers increasing correctly when importing certificates.
- Fixed removing unpinned certificates working correctly.
- Fixed DB schedules supplied from printing correctly.
- Fixed number of points serviced showing correctly on older certificates.
- Fixed striped lists printing correctly.

29 November 2022 (1.10.0005)
- Improved security options for password protected users.
- Fixed default insulation resistance value saving correctly.
- Fixed default test voltage value saving correctly.
- Fixed initial setup wizard saving details correctly.
- Fixed economy mode printing certificates correctly.
- Fixed Save as saving dates correctly.

03 November 2022 (1.10.0004)
- Improved distribution board schedules.
- Measured Zs value is now automatically calculated when R1+R2 reading is entered.
- Fixed Emergency Lighting certificates printing correctly.
- Fixed crash when saving comments from the inspection schedules.
- Fixed distribution board connections showing correctly within the DB Manager.
- Fixed Edit Circuit window updating correctly for new certificates.
- Fixed saving obsersations lists to excel saving correctly.
- Fixed Period Inspection Reports inspection schedules opening correctly.
- Updated sample certificates to BS 7671:2018 Amendment 2 2022.

02 September 2022 (1.10.0003)
- Improved Inspection Schedules.
- Fixed distribution boards saving correctly on Minor Multiple Works certificates.
- Improved conductor sizes boxes on Minor Works certificates.
- Fixed name and signatures within inspection schedules saving correctly.

16 August 2022 (1.10.0002)
- Fixed Circuit Details and Test Result continuation pages saving correctly.
- Fixed Fire Alarm Design, Installation and Commissioning certificate saving correctly.
- Fixed importing distribution boards into 18th edition certificates saving correctly.

18 July 2022 (1.10.0001)
- New support for BS 7671:2018 Amendment 2.

07 April 2022 (1.09.2088)
- Added option to print colour coded Emergency Lighting checklists.
- Fixed Shared Certificate folders being dragged and dropped on each other.
- Fixed attachments working correctly with .jpeg files.

20 October 2021 (1.09.2087)
- New support for Windows 11.
- Improved support for saving pdf to Dropbox, GoogleDrive and OneDrive.
- Fixed D.B. Schematic pages printing correctly.

16 September 2021 (1.09.2086)
- New support for Electrical Isolation Certificate.
- Added option to print failed Emergency Lighting items in red.

30 June 2021 (1.09.2085)
- New support for Domestic Fire Detection and Alarm System Inspection and Servicing.
- Added option to filter by Organisation within Shared Certificates.

25 May 2021 (1.09.2084)
- Added support for dragging/dropping with Shared Certificates.
- Added option to print colour coded overall assessment.
- Updated support for improved folder integration within Shared Certificates.
- Fixed using number variables within certificate numbers.
- Fixed circuit defaults showing within the dropdown list correctly.
- Fixed Reports Manager filtering by date working correctly.
- Fixed spelling checker working within distrbution boards.
- Fixed crashes when linking Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive accounts.

19 February 2021 (1.09.2083)
- Updated Shared Certificates window to archive old certificates.
- Fixed exporting as shared for large certificates with attachments.
- Improved speed when exporting certificates as shared.
- Fixed logo files being printed correctly after restoring a backup.

19 January 2021 (1.09.2082)
- Added option to print colour coded observations and recommendations.
- Added option to print colour coded inspection schedules.
- Added option to hide number of points serviced within distribution boards.
- Added new section for pinned certificates.
- Added option to reorder the certificate sections on the left sidebar.
- Added option to rename the certificate sections on the left sidebar.
- Improved spelling check system.
- Fixed some large DPI sizing issues.
- Fixed Organisation Logo printing correctly when moved to the right.
- Fixed observation lists printing correctly when more than one page.
- Added option to export all observations to a single xls file.
- Fixed Submit Problem system working with large databases.

23 November 2020 (1.09.2081)
- New support for BS 7671 to Amendment 1 2020.
- New support for Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report For The Private Rented Sector.
- Fixed text curruption when importing certificates from the mobile software.
- Added option to edit circuits.
- Added option to spell check observations within distribution boards.
- Updated Submit Problem system to show history of submitted tickets.
- Fixed D.B. schematics printing correctly.

27 August 2020 (1.09.2080)
- Added support for printing D.B. schematics.
- Added options to automatically insert or append another PDF into your certificate when saving to pdf.
- Fixed watermark options showing with D.B schedules and lists.
- Fixed toolbar customisations saving correctly.

26 May 2020 (1.09.2079)
- Added support for watermark options for printing/saving to pdf.
- Added support for dragging and dropping contacts within the Address Book.
- Improved dragging and dropping of certificates and folders.
- Added option to stop prompting/opening PDF at the end of each save.
- Improved Settings window to support high DPI.

12 May 2020 (1.09.2078)
- Added new Shared Address book for sharing contacts between pcs and mobiles/tablets.
- Updated postcode lookup to include company names.

22 April 2020 (1.09.2077)
- Fixed crash when saving to PDF and E-mailing certificates.

20 April 2020 (1.09.2076)
- Improved printing of reminders lists.
- Added option to right-click on the left sidebar to print/email certificates.
- Added option to right-click on the left sidebar to export certificates.
- Fixed copying and pasting Address Book contacts.
- Fixed importing distribution boards from other certificates.
- Fixed Date Imported showing correctly when importing shared certificates.

07 April 2020 (1.09.2075)
- Improvements made when using a server database.
- Fixed Fire Alarm certificates printing the correct dates.

05 February 2020 (1.09.2074)
- Fixed security issue with logging into the software.
- Fixed ticks being printed correctly within distribution boards.

24 January 2020 (1.09.2073)
- Added option to automatically delete certificates after importing from shared.
- Updated certificate tile view to show locked certificates.
- Updated certificate tile view to show date updated.
- Improved large DPI when using certificate tile view.
- Added option to send e-mail notification for automatic online backups.
- Fixed postcode lookups working correctly when first used.
- Fixed logos and signatures being included within backups working correctly.
- Added new heading styles with circles.
- Added option to print distribution boards with smaller font.

31 October 2019 (1.09.2072)
- Added option to send e-mail notifications on sharing certificates.
- Added option to filter Shared Certificates by client name.
- Added option to filter Shared Certificates by installation name.
- Added option to search Shared Certificates by client name and postcode.
- Added option to search Shared Certificates by installation name and postcode.
- Improved Shared Certificates filter options.
- Fixed registered organisation logo printing correctly.
- Fixed saving PDF files to cloud working correctly.

30 September 2019 (1.09.2071)
- Updated main search results to split into certificate groups.
- Updated Shared Certificates search results to split into certificate groups.
- Updated Shared Certificates to show recently deleted certificates.
- Updated Shared Certificates to show filter options.
- Fixed importing certificate files when opened from Windows Explorer.
- Fixed resizing and rotating images within the attachments window.
- Improved size of operational limitations box for Electrical Installation Condition Reports.
- Updated Address Book to intergate postcode lookups.
- Updated Address Book to show recently used addresses.
- Fixed folders showing correctly within the Templates section.

10 September 2019 (1.09.2070)
- New support for BS 5839-6 2019.
- Added options to set custom PDF file names for each type of certificate.
- Added options to set custom PDF file names when uploading to Dropbox, Google Drive, and OneDrive.
- Added options to set custom PDF file names when emailing certificates.
- Added options to set large icons within certificates lists and address book.
- Fixed automatic reminders being setup for certificates imported from the mobile platform.
- Fixed attachments showing correctly after adding a continuation page.
- Fixed maximum zs being calculated correctly on Minor Multiple Works Certificates.
- Added option to export list of shared certificates to Excel/Word.
- Fixed printing Site Survey Forms correctly.

25 July 2019 (1.09.2069)
- Updated Shared Certificates window to show templates separatly.
- Updated Shared Certificates to search by certificate type.
- Updated main certificates screen to search by certificate type.

22 July 2019 (1.09.2068)
- Updated main certificates list for easier navigate.
- Updated Shared Certificates window for easier navigation.
- Updated Address Book window for easier navigation.
- Fixed Mobile Manager crashing when copying desktop settings.
- Fixed old 17th edition certificates being printed correctly.
- Fixed list item headers printing correctly when saved to PDF.
- Fixed moving circuits and observations up and down.
- Updated printed D.B. Schedules to work better in landscape mode.
- Updated print D.B. Schedule window for easier navigation.
- Fixed deleting distribution boards that are connected to circuits removing the connection correctly.
- Added option to print/pdf distrbution board validation lists.
- Added option to rename certificate groups and certificate names.
- Improved support for high DPI.

05 June 2019 (1.09.2067)
- Updated Registered Organisation logo to print with more space.
- Added support for printing Distribution Board Summary pages.
- Added option for setting circuit background colours and text colours.
- Added option for setting observations background colours and text colours.
- Added option for setting deviations background colours and text colours.
- Updated logos to now be stored within the certificates database.
- Added option to change the path where logos are stored.
- Added option to change logo names.
- Added option to add headers into observations, circuits, and deviations.
- Updated Reports Manager to now print total reports listed.
- Fixed Solar PV SSEG Installation Commisioning Confirmation printing correctly.
- Fixed Solar PV SSEG Installation Commisioning Confirmation spell checking correctly.
- Updated templates to now support adding attachments.
- Fixed importing and exporting continuation pages with lighting deviations.
- Fixed status bar panels showing correctly with large DPI.
- Fixed automatic reminders working correctly for some certificates.

28 March 2019 (1.09.2066)
- Fixed Fire Extinguishers report saving correctly when using the Save As option.
- Added Restore Default options to logo settings screens.
- Updated DEICR and EICR agreed limitations boxes now print bigger.
- Fixed Emergency Lighting Periodic deviations printing correctly.
- Fixed distribution board schedules printing correctly in landscape mode.
- Fixed importing certificates working correctly after they have been deleted within the mobile software.
- Fixed disbution board dropdown being displayed off screen.
- Fixed certificates saving correctly when certain characters are entered into the certificate name.
- Fixed tick boxes within d.b. schedules now allowing dash selection.
- Fixed Site Survey forms printing correctly for Periodic Inspection Reports.
- Updated some certificate titles to allow for larger company logos.
- Fixed Zs calculation working correctly on Domestic Installation Certificates.

15 February 2019 (1.09.2065)
- Added Codes For Types Of Wiring chart to distribution boards.
- Fixed Minor Multiple Works printing D.B. schedules correctly.
- Fixed adding multiple attachments saving correctly.
- Added new field to Minor Multiple Works for Zdb reading.
- Fixed Minor Works certificates saving correctly when too much is entered into some fields.
- Fixed print preview now correctly viewing the currently selected page.
- Fixed Circuits Summary calculating circuits not tested correctly.
- Added option to include attachments when making backups.
- Added option to Reports Manager to quickly filter by this week/last week/this month/last month/this year/last year.
- Added option to show distribution boards count at the top of the page.
- Added option to show attachments count at the top of the page.
- Added option to set default test voltage when adding new distribution boards.
- Added option to set default test voltage when adding new circuits.

11 January 2019 (1.09.2064)
- Updated DEICR and EICR Next Text Date text can now be selected from dropdown.
- Updated Test Results pages to only show 1 column for RCD disconnection time.
- Print Preview now displays Observations and Recommendations names.
- Print Preview now displays attachments pages.
- Fixed some Site Survey Forms printing correctly.
- Fixed Save As working correctly for 17th Edition Minor Works certificates.
- Fixed creating new certificates when using an old 17th Edition Minor Works template.
- Fixed duplicate Observations and Recommendations pages being printed.
- Added options to set print colours for C1, C2, C3, and N/V codes.

10 December 2018 (1.09.2063)
- New support for BS 7671 2018.
- Added option to convert 17th Edition certificates to 18th Edition.
- Added option to convert 18th Edition certificates to 17th Edition.

09 November 2018 (1.09.2062)
- Print Preview now displays distrbution board names.
- Improved how attachments are stored when using a shared database server.
- Improved how signatures are stored when using a shared database server.
- Fixed Danger Notification Certificate customers signature printing correctly.
- Added option to import shared certificates direct into a specific folder.
- Fixed Save As working correctly for linked D.B.s and linked circuits.

30 August 2018 (1.09.2061)
- New improved printouts for D.B. Lists to accommodate long names and locations.
- New improved printing of circuit numbers within D.B. schedules.
- New improved printouts for Reports Manager to accommodate long names and numbers.
- New support for using HTTPS when connecting to Tysoft servers.
- Updated D.B. Observations and Recommendations to group together once printed.
- Fixed deleted subfolders showing correctly.
- Updated Minor Works certificates to accommodate longer addresses.
- Added option to have full headings with triangles on the right side for printing.
- Added option to have input boxes with round edges for printing.
- Fixed D.B. dropdown list showing correctly when resized on small screens.
- Fixed Minor Multiple Works Certificates importing D.B.s correctly.
- Fixed importing D.B.s with attachments working correctly.
- Fixed importing D.B.s with observations working correctly.
- Fixed Save As working correctly when D.B.s contain observations.
- Fixed Save As working correctly when D.B.s contain attachments.

14 May 2018 (1.09.2060)
- New support for Solar PV Installation Check List.
- New support for Solar PV Client Handover Certificate.
- Added option to covert Domestic Minor Works certificates to commercial certificate.
- Added option to covert Commercial Minor Works certificates to domestic certificate.
- Fixed certificate folders showing correctly for the Multiple Minor Works certificates.
- Fixed multiple signature options showing correctly for Multiple Minor Works certificates.
- New support for Inspection Schedule comment boxes now lists recently entered items.
- Added edit window for Observations and Recommendations.
- Fixed issues importing Multiple Minor Works certificates.

31 January 2018 (1.09.2059)
- New support for BS 5839-1 2017.

11 December 2017 (1.09.2058)
- New support for Minor Electrical Installation Multiple Works certificate.
- Updated Circuits Summary window to show circuits test and not tested.
- Fixed using templates with multiple distribution boards.
- Improved performance when working with large databases.

14 August 2017 (1.09.2057)
- Emergency Lighting Periodic Inspection Report updated to BS5266 2016.
- Fixed Mobile Manager default Organisation, Engineer and Instrument being saved correctly.
- Fixed installation address importing correctly from mobile certificates.
- Fixed automatic backups working correctly with Windows Scheduled Tasks.

28 July 2017 (1.09.2056)
- Added option to export PDF files direct to Google Drive.
- Added option to export PDF files direct to Microsoft OneDrive.
- Added option to copy the Client Address information into the Installation Address boxes.
- Fixed D.B. Schedules printing with the correct custom colours.
- Fixed D.B. Observations exporting and importing correctly.
- Added option to Reports Manager to easily filter reports by year.

11 April 2017 (1.09.2055)
- New support for Emergency Lighting Existing Site Compliance Certificate.
- Added option to add an Observations and Recommendations sheet to individual distribution boards.

22 March 2017 (1.09.2054)
- Emergency Lighting Completion Certificate for Small Installations updated to BS5266 2016.
- Emergency Lighting Completion Certificate for Large Installations updated to BS5266 2016.
- Added option to set a default certificate name when creating new certificates.

02 February 2017 (1.09.2053)
- New support for Fire Detection and Alarm System Device List.
- Fixed sizing issues when using large fonts/high DPI.
- Added option to print Insulation Resistance readings with 4 columns.
- Added option to copy and paste Address Book contacts.
- Added option to copy and paste Inspection Schedules between certificates.

04 November 2016 (1.09.2052)
- New support for Emergency Lighting Device List.
- Improved signatures system so only the correct signature can be selected from the dropdown and printed.
- Added option to import Circuit Details and Test Results from CSV files.
- Added option to import Observations and Recommendations from CSV files.
- Added option to set default organisation for each user.
- Added option to set default engineers for each user.
- Added option to set default instrument for each user.
- Added security options to disable using Dropbox options.
- Added security options to disable editing certificate numbers.
- Added security options to disable selecting qualifying supervisor within certificates.
- Fixed security options working to disable printing for certificates.

15 August 2016 (1.09.2051)
- New support for Emergency Lighting Service Report.
- Added support for exporting PDF files direct to Dropbox.
- Updated Backups menu to show automatic backup status.
- Added option to export D.B. Circuit Summary list to Excel/Word files.
- Added search options when importing attachments, observations and deviations.
- Fixed Observations List saving to PDF correctly.
- Fixed attachments working correctly when using an apostrophe character.
- Fixed importing and exporting D.B. attachments working correctly.

14 June 2016 (1.09.2050)
- Added option to add photograph attachments to individual distribution boards.
- Added D.B. Circuit Summary window.
- Added recent file dropdown list to Attachments section.
- Added option to import attachments from other certificates.
- Added option to import observations and recommendations from other certificates.
- Added option to import deviations from other certificates.
- Added option to right-click on circuits to add a new Observation and Recommendation.

31 March 2016 (1.09.2049)
- Added option to create folders within the Certificate Sharing system.
- Added option to print commercial distribution boards on 2 pages.
- Fixed A5 size distribution boards printing correctly.
- Added Reports Manager report for printing list with Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory information.
- Added Reports Manager option for filtering by Satisfactory reports only.
- Added Reports Manager option for filtering by Unsatisfactory reports only.
- Importing and exporting certificates now includes reminders.
- Fixed toolbar icons showing correctly with high DPI.

15 January 2016 (1.09.2048)
- Fixed large reports printing and saving to PDF correctly.
- Added options to insert variables into certificate numbers for creating new certificates.
- Added formatting options to page headers and footers.

30 November 2015 (1.09.2047)
- Circuit Details and Test Results lines now automatically resize to fit large descriptions.
- Distribution Board Schedule lines now automatically resize to fit large descriptions.
- Added option to search certificate comments.
- Updated Status Bar to show current reminders due.
- Fixed crash when accessing Outlook Address book.
- Added option to Import D.B. window to search existing certificates.
- Added additional auto fill options when adding new distribution boards.
- Fixed Address Book working correctly when using a large amount of contacts.
- Fixed Copy Value Up function working correctly.
- Fixed PDF tools reordering pages for large PDF files.
- Font subscripts now print correctly on all certificates.
- Fixed random crash on saving new certificates.
- Fixed attachment preview icons showing correctly.

19 October 2015 (1.09.2046)
- Observations and Recommendation lines now automatically resize to fit large descriptions.
- Emergency Lighting Deviation lines now automatically resize to fit large descriptions.
- Added option to print Observations and Recommendations lists.
- Added option to filter Observations and Recommendations lists.
- Added option to merge PDF files into a single document.
- Added option to change the page ordering for PDF documents.
- Added option to automatically fill columns with a custom entry.
- Improved security options with many more restrictions now supported.
- Improved printing of certificate reference when long numbers are used.
- Added option to undelete certificates from the sharing system.
- Fixed Site Survey Form Solar PV SSEG Installation printing correctly.

14 August 2015 (1.09.2045)
- Improved Fire Extinguishers Report to support multiple pages.
- Added option to convert NICEIC overprint certificates to plain paper certificates.
- Reports Manager can now print simple and detailed reports.
- Fixed converting domestic to commercial certificate saving all D.B.'s.
- Fixed converting commercial to domestic certificate saving all D.B.'s.
- Fixed client and installation addresses loading when using templates.

23 July 2015 (1.09.2044)
- New support for Microsoft Windows 10.
- New support for Solar PV G83/2 SSEG Installation Commissioning Confirmation.
- Added option to convert Domestic certificates to Commercial certificates.
- Added option to convert Commercial certificates to Domestic certificates.
- Updated report view to show locked column.
- Updated report view to show reminders column.
- Updated report view to show attachments column.
- Updated report view to allow column reordering.
- Added option to sort by locked certificates.
- Added option to sort by certificates with reminders.
- Added option to sort by certificates with attachments.
- Reports Manager now lists Client Name column.
- Reports Manager now lists Installation Name column.
- Reports Manager now supports column reordering.
- Added options to change the default PDF file name.
- Import Shared Certificates window now shows locked column.
- Import Shared Certificates window now shows reminders column.
- Import Shared Certificates window now shows attachments column.
- Import Shared Certificates window now allows column reordering.
- Added option to export lists (Circuits/Observations) to CSV files.
- Added option to export lists (Circuits/Observations) to XML files.
- Added option to export lists (Circuits/Observations) to HTML files.
- Added option to export D.B. Manager list to file.
- Added option to set comments for each certificate.
- Added option to clear all Test Results from D.B.'s.
- D.B. Validation window can now export results to XLS, DOC, CSV formats.
- Added option to import/export dropdown lists.

10 June 2015 (1.09.2043)
- Fixed Observations and Recommendations codes working correctly.

01 May 2015 (1.09.2042)
- Added new postcode lookup to automate entering address information.
- Added option to set circuit defaults/templates.
- Added option to renumber circuits.
- Added new validation window to show circuit errors and warnings when validating certificates.
- Updated commercial certificates to print distribution boards on a single page.
- Improved speed when importing D.B.s into existing certificates.
- Improved speed when duplicating certificates.
- Fixed spelling checker saving custom words correctly.
- Fixed spelling check Change All working correctly.
- Fixed saving reference sheets to PDF documents.
- Added Not Yet Printed to default status list.
- Added Not Yet E-mailed to default status list.
- Recent Certificates now lists recently imported certificates also.

24 February 2015 (1.09.2041)
- New support for BS7671 Amendment 3 2015.
- Added new Bulk Replace options for Circuit Details and Test Results.
- Improved speed when saving certificates for the first time.
- Improved speed when importing large certificates.
- Fixed support for large fonts/high DPI.

08 January 2015 (1.09.2040)
- Added new Solar PV Client Handover Pack Checklist.
- Added new Fire Extinguishers Certificate.
- Added new D.B. Auto Fill options to setup circuits with defined text.
- Added option to import distribution boards from any existing certificates.
- Added option to right-click Inspection Schedules columns and change text case.
- Added option to right-click Observations columns and auto fill.
- Added option to right-click Observations columns and change text case.
- Added option to right-click Deviations columns and auto fill.
- Added option to right-click Deviations columns and change text case.
- Added option to right-click Circuits columns and change text case.
- Added option to add/insert Comment lines into Observations and Recommendations lists.
- Added option to add/insert Separator lines into Observations and Recommendations lists.
- Added option to add/insert Comment lines into Deviations lists.
- Added option to add/insert Separator lines into Deviations lists.
- Added option to rotate attachments left, right, flip and mirror.
- Added option to change attachments to greyscale, negative, lighten and darken.
- Added option to change attachments preview size.
- Improved exporting multiple certificates at the same time, now only a single click is required.
- Improved saving multiple certificates to PDF at the same time, now only a single click is required.
- Improved circuit and observations lists where you can now navigate using the keyboard.
- Added Synced Status column to display the status of shared certificates.
- Added option to filter by Synced Status within Shared Certificates window.
- Improved prompt when overwriting shared certificates.
- Improved prompt when overwriting local certificates from shared.
- Fixed formatting issues when editing sticky notes.
- Fixed Reports Manager filtering by folders correctly.
- Fixed editing reminders for existing certificates.
- Certificate reminders are now automatically generated for relevant certificates.
- Improved performance when adding, renaming, and moving folders.
- Fixed saving Online Web Backups when connected to a shared database server.
- Fixed saving automatic backups when connected to a shared database server.
- Fixed Merge Database importing certificates correctly.
- Added option to search certificate Inspection Schedules.
- Added option to search certificate Circuit Details.
- Insulation Resistance readings below 1.0 are now shown as circuit warnings.

08 August 2014 (1.09.2039)
- Improved performance when clicking on Circuit Designations dropdowns.
- Improved performance when clicking on Observations and Recommendations dropdowns.
- Fixed saving database backups when connected to a shared database server.
- Fixed restoring database backups when connected to a shared database server.

08 July 2014 (1.09.2038)
- New supported for Firebird SQL Server database to improve multi user support.
- Added option to Copy Value Up and Copy Value Down within Inspection Schedules.
- Added auto fill options to Inspection Schedules Further Investigation Required columns.
- Added option to setup a custom dropdown list for Emergency Lighting Deviations.
- Added option to clear D.B. connections when right-clicking on circuits.
- Fixed D.B. Connections saving correctly when using the Save As options.
- Fixed D.B. Connections working correctly between importing and exporting certificates.
- Added option to Search certificates within Shared Certificates window.
- Added option to Filter Certificates within Shared Certificates window.
- Improved Shared Certificates recent certificates listing.
- Fixed certificate titles printing correctly when saving to PDF.

09 April 2014 (1.09.2037)
- Added option to print reminder letters to customers.
- Added option to set a default Certificate Status for new certificates.
- Added option to print Circuit Details and Test Result warnings in red.
- Added option to print dangerous Observations and Recommendations in red.
- Added option to print dangerous Inspection Schedules in red.
- Added option to search certificate Observations and Recommendations.
- Updated Copy D.B. option to now copy and pastes all board information.
- Updated Save As option to automatically increment certificate numbers.
- Improved certificate importing and exporting times.

16 December 2013 (1.09.2036)
- New support for BS 7671 Amendment 2 2013.
- New support for BS 5839-1 2013.
- Fire Detection and Alarm System Acceptance Certificate updated.
- Fire Detection and Alarm System Installation Certificate updated.
- Added prompt when overwriting shared certificates.
- Added prompt when overwriting local certificates.
- Added option to resize attachments when using large photographs.

09 September 2013 (1.09.2035)
- Added option to view a list of Certificate Reminders.
- Added option to print a list of Certificate Reminders.
- Added option to export list of Certificate Reminders to Excel.
- Added option to export list of Certificate Reminders to Word.
- Electrical Installation Condition Reports Inspection Schedules now include clause numbers.
- Improved printing layout on Inspection Schedules for Electrical Installation Condition Reports.
- Improved Observations and Recommendations printing on Page 2 of reports.
- Electrical Installation Condition Reports Inspection Schedules now automatically add to Observations section.

31 May 2013 (1.09.2034)
- New support for Emergency Lighting Periodic Inspection and Testing Certificate BS 5266-1:2011.
- Reports Manager now displays Next Test Date for certificates.
- Reports Manager Advanced Filter now allows for filtering by Next Test Date.
- Improved PDF sizes when saving large certificates.
- Added option to change the heading style printed on certificates.
- Added option to change the box style printed on certificates.
- Added option to change all background colours and text colours printed on certificates.
- Added option to change the colour of ticks, crosses, LIM, and N/A text printed on certificates.
- Added option to change all fonts used within printed certificates.

01 February 2013 (1.09.2033)
- New support for Solar PV Array Test Certificate.
- New support for Solar PV System Inspection Report.
- New support for Solar PV System Verification Certificate.
- New support for Solar PV SSEG Installation Commissioning Confirmation.
- New support for Android tablets.

30 October 2012 (1.09.2032)
- New support for Windows 8.
- Improved PDF printing.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and select Save As.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and select Save As Electrical Install Certificate.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and select Save As Electrical Installation Condition Report.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and Print.
- Added option to right-click on certificates and Save PDF Document.
- Added option when using Save As to exclude D.B. test results.
- Added option to save certificates to BMP files.
- Added option to save certificates to JPG files.
- Added option to save certificates to PNG files.
- Added option to export all distribution boards to Excel.
- Fixed bug with validating Emergency Lighting Completion Certificate For Large Installations.
- Fixed Registered Organisation Logo printing correctly on Emergency Lighting Periodic.
- Fixed Periodic Inspection Report overprinting D.B. pages correctly.

30 July 2012 (1.09.2031)
- New support for Emergency Lighting Completion Certificate For Large Installations BS 5266-1:2011.
- New support for Emergency Lighting Completion Certificate For Small Installations BS 5266-1:2011.
- Added option to convert Periodic Inspection Reports to new Electrical Installation Condition Reports.
- Added option to Address Book to view all addresses.
- Added option to show recent certificates only in Shared Certificates window.
- Added option to undelete certificates.
- Added option to hide Mr and Mrs entries in Outlook address book.
- Improved D.B. Connection Wizard.
- Added Multifunctional serial number to Minor Works Certificate.
- Fixed Minor Works Certificate validating correctly.
- Fixed attachments printing correctly for Electrical Installation Condition Reports.

23 March 2012 (1.09.2030)
- Domestic Visual Condition Report updated for new Observations and Recommendation codes.
- Updated certificate titles to allow for large company logos.

05 March 2012 (1.09.2029)
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC IPR3 Electrical Installation Condition Report.

17 February 2012 (1.09.2028)
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC ICR3 Electrical Installation Certificate.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC FHR5 Domestic Fire Alarm Certificate.

10 February 2012 (1.09.2027)
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC DCR6 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC IMR3 Minor Works Certificate.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC ICR/IPR Schedules Continuation.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC DCQ/DPQ Schedules Continuation.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC DMQ4 Minor Works Certificate.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC DCQ5 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.

03 February 2012 (1.09.2026)
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC DPR5 Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC DCR/DPR Schedules Continuation.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC IER1 Summary Of The Installation Continuation.
- New support for overprinting onto NICEIC IFR4 Observations Continuation.

30 November 2011 (1.09.2025)
- New support for Domestic Electrical Installation Condition Report.
- New support for Electrical Installation Condition Report.
- Updated Maximum Zs calculations.
- New support for BS 88-2 Fuses.

30 August 2011 (1.09.2023)
- New support for IPhone and IPad devices.

08 July 2011 (1.09.2022)
- Added option to print D.B. Lists for EIC and PIR certificates.
- Added security options for setting permissions for each user.
- Added option in Reports Manager to export list to Microsoft Word.
- Added option to export Observations and Recommendations to Microsoft Word.
- Added option to export Circuit Details and Test Results to Microsoft Word.
- Added support for NICEIC Danger Notification certificate (XNN3) Certificate.
- Added option to filter by sub-folders within Advanced Filter Settings window.
- Added Portable Fire Extinguishers Report to Site Survey Forms section.
- Fixed shared certificates system correctly importing/exporting NICEIC certificates.
- Fixed problem when creating NICEIC Green Fire Alarm Inspection Serving/Reports.
- Updated Address Book to group contacts better when using Mr/Mrs/Miss within the names.
- Fixed signature printing correctly when overprinting Purple Domestic Fire Alarm Certificate.

28 February 2011 (1.09.2021)
- New support for Windows Phone 7 devices.
- Added option to convert Periodic Inspection Reports to Electrical Installation Certificates.
- Added locked icon when viewing shared certificates that are locked.
- Added Sort By Shared Date to shared certificates window.
- Added Sort By Author to shared certificates window.
- Added option for shared certificates to now include certificate attachments.
- Added option to set Author Name in shared certificates window.
- Added telephone number to be printed in Reports Manager for clients/installation address.
- Added option in Reports Manager to filter by locked certificates.
- Added option in Reports Manager to filter by certificates with reminders.
- Added option in Reports Manager to filter by certificates with attachments.
- Added option in Reports Manager to export list to Microsoft Excel.
- Added option to export Observations and Recommendations to Microsoft Excel.
- Added option to export Circuit Details and Test Results to Microsoft Excel.
- Added certificate Summary dialog for managing certificate folders.
- Added validation for high R1+R2/R2 values when higher than calculated Maximum Zs.
- Added Equipment Register to Site Survey Forms section.
- Added Repair Register to Site Survey Forms section.
- Added Faulty Equipment Register to Site Survey Forms section.
- Added option to merge certificate databases.
- Added option to find databases on your computer or external media.
- Fixed issues when saving PDF files with 64bit Windows Vista/7.

08 October 2010 (1.09.2020)
- Added support for printing photograph attachments within your reports.
- Added option to share certificates online for customers with multiple licenses.
- Added option to set PDF permissions when saving PDF documents.
- Added option to set PDF passwords when saving PDF documents.
- Fixed quick lists working correctly for large lists.
- Fixed importing continuation pages with Observations and Recommendations.
- Fixed issue when adding continuation pages from an existing report not saving information correctly.
- Improved Fire Alarm certificates to store more information on large fields.
- Updated certificate number size to use larger certificate numbers if required.
- Improved database performance for large reports and networked databases.
- Improved certificate reminders system.

02 July 2010 (1.09.2019)
- Added support for printing Electrical Danger Notification certificate onto plain paper.
- Added option to print D.B. Schedules in landscape view.
- Added Date Completed column to certificate reports view.
- Added option to set/change Date Completed for certificates.
- Added option to specify custom Type Of Wiring on Domestic Schedules.
- Added option to add circuit comment lines to distribution boards.
- Added option to add circuit separator lines to distribution boards.
- Added support for filtering by date created within Reports Manager.
- Added support for filtering by date completed within Reports Manager.
- PDA: Added option to delete all certificates.

26 March 2010 (1.09.2018)
- Added Reference Sheets to Site Survey Forms section.
- Added Board Manager for managing all distribution boards.
- Added option to edit all information on printed D.B. Schedules.
- Added option create sub-folders within certificate folders.
- Added Quick List button for Extent, Purpose, and Limitations on certificates.
- Added option to save Electrical Installation certificates as Periodic Inspection Reports.
- Added option to save Reports Manager reports to PDF files.
- Added option to set custom page title for General Comments Continuation page.
- Improved Print Preview window.
- Added option to print striped lists.
- Added option to set company logo to print at top left or top right corner.
- Added option to automatically backup your certificates.
- Added option to select print quality when printing Site Survey Forms.
- Added option to specify PDF title/author/subject and keywords when saving PDF files.
- Added option to specify page range when saving to PDF.
- PDA: Added new Fire Alarm Inspection and Servicing Report.

08 January 2010 (1.09.2017)
- Added support for NICEIC IPR2 Periodic Inspection Report with 24 ways.
- Added support for NICEIC IPN2 Periodic Inspection Report with 24 ways.
- Added support for NICEIC ICR2 Electrical Installation Certificate with 24 ways.
- Added support for NICEIC ICR/IPR Continuation Schedules with 24 ways.
- Added support for NICEIC ICN/IPN Continuation Schedules with 24 ways.
- Updated Fire Alarm certificates to latest BS 5839-1:2002+A2:2008 standards.
- Added Measured Ze field to Domestic Electrical Installation Part-P Certificate.
- Added option to add Continuation Pages from existing reports to certificates.
- Added dropdown to Circuit Number column to easily switch between 3-phase and single phase.
- NICEIC 16th Edition certificates are now hidden when creating a new certificate.
- Fixed engineers signatures being imported correctly on Checking-In/Out certificates.
- Online Web Backup system now backs up logo files and scanned signatures.
- Added multiple signature option to Domestic Visual Condition Report.
- Added multiple signature option to Minor Works Certificate.
- Fixed Deviations being checked-in correctly on Emergency Lighting Completion certificates.
- Added option to export Address Book contacts to a .CSV file.
- Added option to import Address Book contacts to a .CSV file.
- Improved Templates view now separated into certificate groups.
- Continuation for General Comments now contains text formatting options.
- Added option to set all items on a page to N/A.
- Improved certificate Check-in time for large certificates.
- Fixed Current Page being printed correctly on large reports.

9 October 2009 (1.09.2016)
- Added support for Microsoft Windows 7.
- Added support for Continuation for Additional Supply page.
- Added Page Sidebar feature to navigate large reports and pages.
- Fixed Continuation page for Domestic Visual Condition Report printing correctly.
- Fixed limitation of large certificates over 100 pages being printed.
- Added support for NICEIC IPM4 Periodic Inspection Report with 24 ways.
- Added support for NICEIC ICM/IPM Schedule of Circuit Details Continuation with 24 ways.
- Added support for NICEIC ICN2 Electrical Installation Certificate with 24 ways.
- Fixed printing multiple pages issue on Windows Vista.
- Improved drag/drop of certificates into sub-folders.
- Added option to add continuation pages into individual continuation pages.
- PDA: Added support for Emergency Lighting Completion certificate.
- PDA: Added support for Emergency Lighting Periodic Inspection report.

26 June 2009 (1.09.2015)
- Added support for Domestic Visual Condition Report to print onto plain paper.
- Online Web Backup Service now available.
- Added Reports View to Address Book.
- Updated Recent Certificates section to correctly list this week/last weeks certificates.
- Fixed problems with PDF documents saving directly over UNC paths.
- Fixed & character being printed correctly for circuit descriptions.
- Engineers position now gets saved when changed within certificates.
- Added Basic View/Advanced Views to Reports Manager.
- Added option to add a comment/description to each certificate reminder.
- Added option to change to multiple signature/single signature without needing to Save As.
- Added Status column to Open/Recent Certificates in Reports View.
- Added option to drag and drop certificates into folders.
- Added option to select multiple certificates to delete.
- Added option to select multiple certificates to Check-Out.
- Added option to enter Type of Wiring Other option.
- Added option to Printer Settings to Reinstall PDF Printer driver.
- Added option to set separate margins for portrait and landscape certificates.
- PDA: Fixed bug when saving certificates with no name.
- PDA: Fixed Instrument Multifunctional serial number being set correctly.
- PDA: Added support for Domestic Visual Condition Report.

20 March 2009 (1.09.2014)
- Added support for NICEIC DVM2 Domestic Visual Condition Report.
- Added support for NICEIC FHM3 Domestic Fire Alarm Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC ICM/IPM Schedule of Circuit Details Continuation.
- Added support for NICEIC IMM4 Minor Works Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DCM4 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DPM2 Domestic Periodic Inspection Report.
- Added support for NICEIC DCM/DPM Domestic Schedule of Circuit Details Continuation.
- Added option to set Polarity field to a X or LIM.
- Added option to configure company logo size and position.
- Added option to configure registered organisation logo size and position.
- Added option to setup multiple company logos.
- Added option to setup multiple registered organisation logos.
- Added support for 0.2 second Maximum Zs calculations.
- Fixed postcode being checked-in correctly on some certificates.
- Added toolbar to circuit details and test results for common functions.
- Fixed PDF printing problems on Windows Vista 64bit.

20 February 2009 (1.09.2013)
- Fixed Submit Problem system working correctly with new server upgrades.

30 January 2009 (1.09.2012)
- Added support for NICEIC DVP2 Domestic Visual Condition Report.
- Added support for NICEIC DVN3 Domestic Visual Condition Report.
- Improved print preview.
- Improved PDF print quality.
- Improved PDF file size once saved.
- Improved PDF watermark.
- Added option to print review Reports Manager.
- Added option to print preview D.B. Schedules.
- Added save PDF option to print D.B. Schedules.
- Added option to print in Economy Mode.
- Outlook Address Book integration now lists home addresses.

19 September 2008 (1.09.2011)
- Added support for NICEIC DPP2 Domestic Periodic Inspection Report.
- Added CPC Wizard for calculating csa sizes.
- Added Maximum Zs calculations for BS 1362.
- Improved Print to D.B. Schedule Report.
- Added option to print all D.B. Schedules in one go.
- Fixed problems with check-in/out Domestic Visual Condition Report.
- PDA: Fixed amended dates being set correctly on new certificates.
- PDA: Fixed issue with storing certificates on certain memory cards.
- Added option to set printer alignment for individual pages.
- Added News notification system to notify about Tysoft updates.

18 July 2008 (1.09.2010)
- Added support for NICEIC DCQ4 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DSQ4 Domestic Electrical Installation Continuation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DMQ3 Minor Works Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DCR5 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DSR5 Domestic Electrical Installation Continuation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DPR4 Domestic Periodic Inspection Report.
- Added support for NICEIC IMR2 Minor Works Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC ICR2 Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC IPR2 Periodic Inspection Report.
- Added support for NICEIC ICR/IPR Continuation Schedules for Installation and Periodic.
- PDA: Certificate number now displayed within certificates list.
- PDA: Fixed storing certificates with same certificate name.
- Added Reports View for viewing certificates.
- Fixed old Emergency Lighting Periodic Certificates being listed correctly.
- Updated sample certificates to 17th Edition.

03 July 2008 (1.09.2009)
- Fixed deleting circuits from Continuation Schedules for Installation and Periodic.
- Fixed Registered Organisation logo tickboxes restoring their state correctly.
- Fixed Domestic Periodic Inspection Report Page 3 printing correctly on older upgrades.
- 16th Edition certificates will continue to calculate 16th Edition Zs values.

25 June 2008 (1.09.2008)
- Added support for NICEIC DCP4 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DSP4 Domestic Electrical Installation Continuation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DMP3 Minor Works Certificate.

23 June 2008 (1.09.2007)
- EasyCert: Updated for 17th Edition IEE wiring regulations.
- PDA: Updated for 17th Edition IEE wiring regulations.
- Added support for NICEIC DCN5 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DSN4 Domestic Electrical Installation Continuation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC DPN4 Domestic Periodic Inspection Report.
- Added support for NICEIC IMN2 Minor Works Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC ICN2 Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC ICM4 Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added support for NICEIC IPN2 Periodic Inspection Report.
- Added support for NICEIC IPM4 Periodic Inspection Report.
- Fixed using Save As option to save certificate templates.
- Setting engineer name to N/A automatically sets signed date as N/A.
- Certificate number size has been increased for longer numbers.
- PDA: Fixed changing board designation on continuation pages.
- PDA: Automatically sets circuit details to N/A when designation set to Spare.
- PDA: Improved using of templates to ensure all information is saved.
- PDA: Added options to edit client/installation address books.
- PDA: Fixed issues when using return key in certain text fields.
- Added options to auto fill circuits with N/V.
- Added options to auto fill circuits with ---.
- Added options to auto fill circuits with LIM.

09 April 2008 (1.09.2006)
- Added support for NICEIC XNN Electrical Danger Notification Certificate.
- Added options to filter search options when finding certificates.
- Fixed issue on Electrical Installation when using many continuation pages.
- Added option to add custom Certificate Status entries.
- Fixed printing Emergency Lighting Periodic Certificate Site Survey form.
- Fixed spelling check working correctly with large sentences.
- Fixed Reports Manager columns displaying text correctly.
- Fixed General Comments continuation page showing correctly for red NICEIC certificates.
- PDA: Fixed emailing certificates with long email addresses.
- PDA: Fixed emailing certificates with no POP3 account.
- PDA: Fixed renaming certificates with invalid characters.

21 February 2008 (1.09.2005)
- Improved copying/pasting of circuit details and test results.
- Added option to copy/paste observations list.
- Fixed bug with creating new address book entries overwriting records.
- Added option to attach custom files to Submit Problem Support system.
- Added updated Emergency Lighting Periodic Certificate.

08 February 2008 (1.09.2004)
- Added support for NICEIC DCR4 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- PDA: Fixed bug when transferring client/installation address.
- PDA: Fixed General Comments continuation page transferring over correctly.
- Fixed bug with restoring PDA defaults.
- Fixed certificate numbers automatically incrementing when used with a prefix.
- Fixed signatures printing correctly on Electrical Installation Certificate Page1.
- Improved spelling checking system.

22 December 2007 (1.09.2003)
- Added support for NICEIC ICR/ICN Electrical Installation Certificates.
- Added support for NICEIC IPR/IPN Periodic Inspection Certificates.
- Added support for NICEIC IMR/IMN Minor Works Certificates.
- Dates on Electrical Installation certificate can now be set to N/A.
- Fixed emailing certificates where attachment name is set correctly.
- Fixed error on saving PDF documents to folders that no longer exist.
- Fixed saving PDA settings correctly within Settings dialog.
- Increased Summary field size for Fire System Inspection and Servicing report.
- Dates are no longer printed unless an engineer name is specified.

11 December 2007 (1.09.2002)
- Fixed checking in/out Emergency Lighting Completion Certificate.
- Improved activation system.
- Fixed issues with using apostrophe character within board designation.

20 November 2007 (1.09.2001)
- Added Fire Detection and Alarm System Modification Certificate.
- Added NICEIC Red Fire Detection and Alarm System Modification Certificate (FMN)

16 November 2007 (1.09.2000)
- Added option to print certificates in black and white.
- Added option to search for attachments within certificates.
- Added option to search for sticky notes within certificates.
- Fixed error on overprinting NICEIC Green FSM certificate.
- Fixed engineer names being selected on existing certificates.

26 October 2007 (1.09.1099)
- Company logo can now be printed onto D.B. Schedules.
- Domestic Fire Detection and Fire Alarm Certificate updated to current standards.
- Domestic Electrical Installation extent field size increased for longer text.
- Fixed recent menu working correctly with long certificate names.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed address book entries being saved correctly.
- Added option to save Minor Works address as Installation Address in Address Book.
- Searching certificates can now search using address fields.
- Added option to set a custom Registered Organisation logo to be printed.
- Added additional calculations to Maximum Zs list.

03 October 2007 (1.09.1098)
- Added NICEIC DCR4 Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Added NICEIC FSM Fire Detection Inspection and Servicing Certificate.
- Fixed PIR circuits saving correctly when the designation has been removed.
- Company logo can now be printed onto certificate reports.
- Company name is now printed onto D.B. Schedules.
- Fixed Instrument serial number being selected on new Minor Works certificates.
- Certificate numbers can now contain characters.
- Added options to copy values up, left and right in circuits list.
- Fixed editing custom circuits/observations list saving correctly.
- Archive path now allows a network path to be used.

20 August 2007 (1.09.1097)
- Improved Check-In/Out Summary continuation pages now include all text.
- Added option to automatically lock certificates when printed.
- Fixed Minor Works address book entry being saved correctly.
- Fixed file caching on Vista when upgrading master database.

13 August 2007 (1.09.1096)
- Added NICEIC GREEN Periodic Inspection Report (IPM).
- Added NICEIC PURPLE Domestic Periodic Inspection Report (DPP).
- Added NICEIC Domestic Visual Condition Report (DVN).
- Added NICEIC Domestic Visual Condition Report Continuation Sheet (DWN).
- Fixed PIR Summary Of The Inspection saving long strings correctly.
- Improved printing of D.B. Schedules.
- Fixed Checking-Out certificates with certain characters.
- Fixed Observations on continuation pages listing correctly on PDF documents.
- Fixed continuation pages showing correctly within templates.
- Tick boxes now display as red when crossed to indicate error.
- Added validation to make sure RCD Operating Times are entered.
- Added option to lock/unlock certificates.

11 July 2007 (1.09.1095)
- Fixed Reference Method displaying correct code.
- Fixed installation address listed correctly in dropdown.
- Added option to set advanced printer alignment settings.
- Fixed columns within PIR printing correctly.

28 June 2007 (1.09.1094)
- Added option to set global default departures of the installation.
- Added option to set global extent of the installation.
- Improved database ID generating unique certificate numbers.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed order of continuation pages transferring correctly.
- EasyCert PDA: Characteristics of each D.B. can now be saved.
- EasyCert PDA: Observations and Recommendations are now synced by default.
- EasyCert PDA: Circuit Designation are now synced by default.
- EasyCert PDA: Added Live Conductors for green NICEIC DPI reports.
- EasyCert PDA: Added Cut/Copy/Paste to common menu.
- EasyCert PDA: Added Save As feature.
- EasyCert PDA: Added Undo feature to common menu.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed BS(EN) Type number being saved correctly on circuits.
- Fixed continuation pages not transferring when certificate had been deleted.
- Fixed test results pasting correctly on commercial certificates.
- Fixed Minor Works Reference Method being selected correctly.
- Fixed spelling checker working correctly for dropdown menus.

16 May 2007 (1.09.1093)
- EasyCert PDA: Certificates are now listed correctly on SD-Cards
- EasyCert PDA: Certificates can now be stored on other data cards.
- EasyCert PDA: Continuation pages can now be used for Observations.
- EasyCert PDA: Improved performance when saving certificates.
- EasyCert PDA: Adding circuits now prompts to add additional continuation pages.
- Fixed bug when automatically adding new continuation sheets for Observations.
- Fixed Checking in certificates with large amounts of circuits.
- Fixed emailing certificates with certain characters in the certificate name.

18 April 2007 (1.09.1092)
- Added option to Drag/Drop certificates into main window to Check-In.
- Added Registration Wizard.
- EasyCert PDA: Added option to use Maximum Zs 80% values.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed opening templates when stored on datacard.
- Pocket Zs: Added option to use Maximum Zs 80% values.
- Fixed transferring certificates when stored on datacard.
- Added option to toggle auto Insulation Resistance values.
- Added Sub Mains Connection Wizard.
- Updated BS(EN) lists.
- Added support for new NICEIC Electrical Installation Certificate DCP3.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed bug with listing multiple templates in dropdown menu.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed circuits list being sorted correctly.
- EasyCert PDA: Added option to Save certificate.
- EasyCert PDA: Circuit fields on automatically capitalized.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed declaration dates being saved correctly.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed industrial Minor Works Certificates listing correctly.
- EasyCert PDA: Maximum Zs values can now be customised.
- Added option to use multiple certificates databases.
- Added option to prompt to select certificates database on startup.
- Added option to allow manual date changes.
- Auto Update feature now enabled.
- Auto update system now automatically downloads new updates.
- Fixed issues with checking out certain fields.
- Fixed Address Book creating new Installation Addresses.
- Added Email option to Outlook contacts in Address Book.
- Added option to only show items not in subfolders when transferring certificates.
- EasyCert PDA: Fixed selecting Instrument serials correctly.
- EasyCert PDA: Added option to move circuits up and down.

07 March 2007 (1.09.1091)
- Added option to Drag/Drop certificates onto Attachments window.
- Added option to set a default Test Instrument.
- Added option to save Calibration certificate number.
- Added option to save Calibration company information.
- Added NICEIC GREEN Minor Works Certificate (IMM).
- Added NICEIC GREEN Domestic Fire Alarm Certificate (FHM).
- Fixed saving removed Continuation Pages correctly.
- Added option to move Continuation Pages order.
- Added progress dialog for Checking-In certificates.
- Added Attachments Manager print text option for each picture.
- Added option to restore default database path.
- Added option to Copy Down circuit values.
- Added option to use scanned signatures on PDF documents.
- Added Continuation Page reference recent list.
- PDA: Added Pocket Zs.
- PDA: Certificates now support Continuation Pages.
- PDA: Fixed Cpc Live dropdown list working correctly.

20 February 2007 (1.09.1090)
- Updated Address Book to view Client and Installation address.
- Fixed Signatures dropdown updating correctly when changed.
- Added filter by ClientAddress to Reports Manager.
- Added filter by Installation Address to Reports Manager.
- Added filter by Certificate Numbers to Reports Manager.
- Check-In/Check-Out feature now supports Continuation Pages.
- Added option to Delete All Circuits.
- Added option to Clear All Circuits.
- Added option to set Printer Alignment for separate printers.
- Added option to set Engineers for each section of the certificates.

14 February 2007 (1.09.1089)
- Fixed check boxes drawing correctly on Windows Vista.
- Added Registration Number to Electrical Installation certificate.
- Fixed default engineers working correctly within templates.
- Added Printer Attachments Wizard for printing photographs.
- Fixed duplicate circuit entries being added after saving.

6 February 2007 (1.09.1088)
- Added shortcut keys for moving circuits and observations.
- Added option to set custom Attachments storage path.
- Fixed tick boxes drawing correctly.
- Continuation Pages automatically added for large circuit boards.
- Added option to add Attachments to Clients in Address Book.

5 February 2007 (1.09.1087)
- Added option to set default Insulation Resistance values.
- Added option to Email clients directly from the Address Book.
- Restore archives option allows you to restore database files.
- Submit Problem better integration with PDA device.
- Added option to use certificate numbers for all certificates.
- Auto Update - added option to show critical updates only.
- Added option to Email attachments directly.

29 January 2007 (1.09.1086)
- Added NICEIC GREEN Domestic Periodic Inspection Certificate (DPM).
- Added NICEIC GREEN Domestic Electrical Installation Certificate (DCM).
- Fixed duplicate entries saved to Circuits list.
- Added option to repair certificates database.
- Added option to restore default PDA settings.
- Signatures are now automatically selected.
- Fixed printing certificates with locked directories.

19 January 2007 (1.09.1085)
- Added Continuation sheet for Emergency Lighting Deviations.
- Updated Emergency Lighting certificates for NAPIT members.

15 January 2007 (1.09.1084)
- Added NICEIC Fire Detection Installation Certificate (FIN).
- Added option to sync PDA certificates from memory cards.
- Fixed updating of certificates database on upgrading.
- Fixed site survey forms printing correctly for BS certs.
- Added option to print DB schedules for certificates.
- Improved Submit Problem feature for error reports.
- Added prompt to automatically add continuation pages.
- PDA: Fixed templates being deleted incorrectly.
- PDA: Improved creating new circuits.

02 January 2007 (1.09.1083)
- Added Printer Alignment Test Printing options.
- Added Reports Manager feature.
- Fixed Check-In certificate working correctly.
- Added column sorting within Reports Manager.
- Default certificate colour changed.

13 December 2006 (1.09.1082)
- Added auto update prompt to notify of new PDA versions.
- Fixed Reference Methods displaying correctly.
- Fixed Page Setup dialog saving settings correctly.
- Printer settings now saved between sessions.
- Address Book now only lists Client Address.
- PDA: Improved listings within dropdown lists.

07 December 2006 (1.09.1081)
- PDA: Fixed issues with activation when reinstalling.
- PDA: Added option to Email certificates.
- PDA: Added option to save certificates to memory cards.
- License information now displayed in About dlg.
- PDA: Fixed creating templates with certain certificates.
- Find Certificates now maintains recent list.
- Switching between sections now remembers which group.
- Fixed margin settings working correctly.

04 December 2006 (1.09.1080)
- Improved printing of BS7671 certificates onto plain paper.
- Fixed saving certificates with ' character in the name.
- Fixed saving address book entries containing ' characters.
- Fixed check boxes validating correctly on Minor Works cert.

01 December 2006 (1.09.1079)
- Added NICEIC Emergency Lighting Periodic Certificate.
- Added option to Check-In multiple certificates at once.

29 November 2006 (1.09.1078)
- Fixed renaming Continuation pages correctly.
- Fixed Continuation pages saving correctly on Save As.
- Improved listing of Circuit Designations.

24 November 2006 (1.09.1077)
- Added option to set board layout.
- Fixed transferring Continuation pages from EasyCert PDA.

22 November 2006 (1.09.1076)
- Auto numbers now works with PDA created certificates.
- Emergency Lighting Periodic Certificate added.
- Added option to set custom Observations list.
- Added option to set custom Circuit Designations list.
- Added option to set Test Instrument recalibration date.
- Added option to add multiple Testers.
- Added option to set a default Organisation.
- Added option to set a default Tester.

17 November 2006 (1.09.1075)
- Fixed pasting circuit boards correctly.
- Fixed deleting folders with certificates in.
- Added option to Save As different certificate types.
- Overcurrent protective devices Capacity now automatically calculated.
- Fixed N/A printing correctly for Polarity field.
- Fixed automatic N/A being printed for BS7671 certificates.
- Fixed database being repaired on restoring an archive.

08 November 2006 (1.09.1074)
- Attachments are now included when sending emails.
- Added new Emergency Lighting Completion Certificate.
- Added sticky notes feature.

06 November 2006 (1.09.1073)
- Added option to automatically print blank fields as 'N/A'.
- Improved DCP alignment.
- Added option to copy/paste circuit boards.
- Added option to copy/paste individual circuits.
- Additional options added to Edit menu.
- Fixed Search results showing for the first time.
- Added Submit Problem to Help menu.

23 October 2006 (1.09.1072)
- Fixed large signature images printing correctly.
- Added option to turn off printing background colours.

18 October 2006 (1.09.1071)
- Added option to set name for Continuation Pages.
- Added option scroll Continuation Pages.
- Help file updated.
- Improved printing of BS7671 certificates.
- PDA: Fixed circuit information being saved correctly.
- PDA: Fixed Observations being saved correctly.

11 October 2006 (1.09.1070)
- PDA: Activation system updated.
- Fixed Certificate Numbers being saved correctly.
- Improved tabbing between fields.

05 October 2006 (1.09.1069)
- Attachments Manager now added.
- Fixed printer margins working correctly.

02 October 2006 (1.09.1068)
- Added option to use crosses on Minor Works checkboxes.
- PDA: Fixed PIR 3 Phase 4-wire being saved correctly.
- Fixed NAPIT certificates on PDA device importing correctly.
- Fixed fault loop impedance, Ze incorrection.
- Fixed scrolling issues on certain PDA devices.

28 September 2006 (1.09.1067)
- PDA: Fixed activations working correctly.
- PDA: Fixed date format being set correctly.

18 September 2006 (1.09.1066)
- Fixed adding new circuit and pressing the tab key to shift focus.
- Fixed duplicate entries added to Circuit Designation dropdown.
- Fixed Registration Number printing on Periodic Inspection report.
- Fixed checking out certificates with certain characters within the name.
- PDA: Fixed saving of new observations correctly.
- PDA: Fixes saving of new circuits correctly.

11 September 2006 (1.09.1065)
- Fixed bug with zooming out of print preview page.
- Fixed calculation error with maximum zs circuit validation.
- Fixed Save As PDF working with certain characters in certificate name.
- PDA: Added continuation pages.
- PDA: Added options to create new templates.

09 September 2006 (1.09.1064)
- Added option to edit PDA database defaults.
- PDA: Added option to change default circuit designations in dropdowns.
- PDA: Added option to change observations in dropdowns.
- Fixed exporting General Comments continuation page.
- PDA: Added option to use existing templates.

06 September 2006 (1.09.1063)
- TT system no longer highlights circuit Zs errors.
- Added option to Save As Template.

03 September 2006 (1.09.1062)
- PDA: Fixed circuit details saving correctly.
- PDA: Added option to use templates when creating new certificates.
- Fixed drawing issue when circuit errors are highlighted.
- Fixed date previous inspection printing on Periodic report.

31 August 2006 (1.09.1061)
- Fixed issues on printing NICEIC periodic report.
- PDA: improved performance on saving certificates.
- PDA: fixed saving of observations correctly.
- Added option to move circuits up and down in the list.
- Added option to move Observatsion up and down.
- Fixed date previous inspection printing on Periodic report.

24 August 2006 (1.09.1060)
- Fixed NAPIT certificate colours changing correctly.
- Fixed Observations saving correctly for Periodic Inspection report.
- Added certificate number to Domestic Periodic Inspection report Page3.
- Fixed correctly deleting Observations from certificates.

21 August 2006 (1.09.1058)
- Fixed MaxZs values updating correctly when an error is detected.
- PDA: fixed saving circuit details correctly.
- PDA: fixed syncing Test Instruments correctly.
- Added symbols to Test Results list control.

17 August 2006 (1.09.1056)
- Fixed shortcut hotkeys working correctly.
- Improved logo printing on BS 7671 certificates.
- Improved large font support for Circuit Details.

15 August 2006 (1.09.1055)
- PDA: Electrical Installation Certificate added.
- PDA: Periodic Inspection Report added.

11 August 2006 (1.09.1052)
- PDA: Domestic Periodic Certificate added.
- Updated Fire Alarm certificates no NAPIT members.
- Added certificate numbers to all pages for BS 7671 certificates.
- Added option to automatically save certificates.

08 August 2006 (1.09.1051)
- EasyCert PDA beta released.
- Increased Records Held by field size within Periodic Inspection certificate.
- Fixed printing BS7671 certificates when using large fonts.

05 August 2006 (1.09.1050)
- Fixed bug with setting Polarity to N/A for existing certificates.
- Added dropdowns for Conductor Csa within test results.
- Incorrect Zs values are now highlighted within test results.
- Updated default NAPIT certificate colours.

30 July 2006 (1.09.1048)
- Improved NAPIT certificates.
- Fixed crash on closing when checking for updates.
- Fixed user dictionary working correctly with multiple words.
- Fixed user dictionary being overwritten on updates.
- Fixed adding new instruments with the same name.

22 July 2006 (1.09.1046)
- Fixed Sort By dropdown working correctly.
- Improved Site Survey Forms dialog.
- Added new help system.

18 July 2006 (1.09.1040)
- Added multiple page print preview.
- Updated Part-P graphic accordingly.

14 July 2006 (1.09.1030)
- Updated Reference Methods list.
- Fixed Minor Works R2 Ohms symbol displaying correctly.
- Fixed Minor Works instrument serial number.
- Polarity checkbox can now be set to print N/A.

05 July 2006 (1.09.1026)
- Added option to set 100% Maximum disconnection values.
- Maximum disconnection values now defaults to 100% values.
- Fixed searching certificates working correctly.
- Fixed printing issues with IE7 beta installed.
- Fixed ticks being printed correctly on Domestic Fire Alarm Certificate.

03 July 2006 (1.09.1020)
- Added Address Book integration.
- Added Outlook Address Book integration.
- Large fonts now correctly work.
- Fixed A.C. box working correctly on Electrical Installation certificate.
- Fixed D.C. box printing correctly for NICEIC certificates.
- Fixed symbols printing correctly on test results sheets.
- Checked out certificates can now be opened from Windows Explorer.
- Guidance note is now saved with PDF Documents.

26 June 2006 (1.09.1010)
- Fixed Minor Works comments storing large texts.

25 June 2006 (1.09.1006)
- Fixed Test results showing the correct amount of entries.

22 June 2006 (1.09.1005)
- Fixed Auto N/A feature filling in all boxes correctly.
- Fixed custom Reference Methods working correctly.
- Fixed Polarity working correctly on Circuit Test results.
- Fixed font size working correctly on continuation sheets.

20 June 2006 (1.09.1002)
- Fixed typo with test results pages.
- Fixed dropdowns on Page2 of Installation Certificate showing correctly.
- Fixed restoring of archived databased working correctly.
- Fixed Installation Address printing correctly for Periodic Inspection report.

13 June 2006 (1.09.0999)
- Added Set Auto N/A to right-click menu on Circuit details.

12 June 2006 (1.09.0998)
- Fixed dropdown showing correctly on Observations and Recommendations.
- Fixed selection of New/Alteration/Addition checkbox on Installation certificate.

09 June 2006 (1.09.0997)
- Fixed Page numbers printing correctly on NICEIC continuation sheets.

06 June 2006 (1.09.0995)
- Added Page Setup button to Print Preview dialog.
- Fixed dates working correctly within Templates.
- Increased size of Period Inspection Report Condiction of the Install field.
- Increased size of Period Inspection Report Earth Location field.

02 June 2006 (1.09.0992)
- Added Fire Detection and Alarm System Verification Certificate.
- Added Fire Detection and Alarm System Design Certificate.
- Added Fire Detection and Alarm System Inspection and Servicing.
- Added Certificate List setting to Settings dialog.

29 May 2006 (1.09.0991)
- Fixed crash during database upgrade.
- Fixed database compression working correctly.

28 May 2006 (1.09.0990)
- New Folder dialog now remembers window sizes.
- Print Preview zoom state now remembered.
- Fixed custom Certificate colours working correctly.
- Fixed Created Date showing correctly in Issued Certificates.

25 May 2006 (1.09.0989)
- Fixed Minor Works Certificate printing correctly.
- Added Page Setup dialog to Printer settings page.
- Fixed guidance note printing correctly for blank BS7671 forms.
- Added General Comments continuation page for BS7671 certificates.
- Fixed crash on print previewing templates.
- Fixed deleting Templates correctly.

24 May 2006 (1.09.0987)
- Added Fire Detection and Alarm System Commissioning Certificate.
- Added Fire Detection and Alarm System Acceptance Certificate.
- Added Telephone number to all BS7671 Certificates.
- Fixed certificate numbers being formated correctly.
- Fixed Fire Alarm Design, Installation and Commissioning certificate showing.

20 May 2006 (1.09.0981)
- Added Fire Detection and Alarm System Installation Certificate.
- Fixed printing when using & character.
- Added option to compress database in Advanced settings.
- Database now gets compressed after upgrade.

18 May 2006 (1.09.0977)
- Fixed saving new clients when no name specified.
- Fixed company logo printing correctly on NICEIC certificates.
- Added Check In/Check Out feature to Certificates menu.

16 May 2006 (1.09.0975)
- Fixed printing page numbers correctly on BS 7671 certificates.
- Added option to set individual certificate colours.
- Added option to change certificate background colour.
- NAPIT logo can now be printed on BS 7671 certificates.
- NAPIT trustmark can now be printed on BS 7671 certificates.

15 May 2006 (1.09.0970)
- Added option to save certifcates as image files.
- Added option to change certificate title colour.

13 May 2006 (1.09.0960)
- Fixed Save As PDF working on Windows 2000.
- Fixed icons showing correctly on Windows 9x.
- Fixed sizing problems on Windows 9x.

12 May 2006 (1.09.0959)
- Improved print preview for site survey forms.
- Improved saving to PDF documents.

11 May 2006 (1.09.0939)
- Fixed changing font settings for Part-P certificates.

10 May 2006 (1.09.0929)
- Fixed auto resizing of company logo on Part-P certificates.
- Fixed auto resizing of signatures on Part-P certificates.
- Added option to print reference name on Part-P certificates.

9 May 2006 (1.09.0909)
- Fixed mouse wheel working correctly in print preview.
- Fixed search option working correctly.
- Fixed Emailing of Part-P certificates.
- Fixed saving Part-P certificates as PDF documents.
- Fixed typo's within Part-P certificates.

7 May 2006 (1.09.0888)
- Fixed deleting of certificate folders.

6 May 2006 (1.09.0808)
- Fixed sample signature showing for new certificates.
- Added option to create sub-folders for storing certificates.
- Added additional sample certificates.

3 May 2006 (1.09.0707)
- Fixed some alignment issues with non NICEIC computer certificates.
- Added option to open last certificate used on startup.
- Fixed Summary of the Inspection saving correctly.
- Added NICEIC Fire Alarm Comissioning Certificate.

1 May 2006 (1.09.0606)
- Added Options button to Print Preview.
- Added right-click menu to Circuit Details.
- Added right-click menu to Observations.
- Fixed issues with adding new items to circuit details.

29 April 2006 (1.09.0505)
- Fixed settings database path over a network target.
- Fixed archiving of database working correctly.
- Fixed hiding the toolbar option.
- Fixed database maintenance working correctly on older versions of Windows.

27 April 2006 (1.09.0403)
- Added Domestic Electrical Installation Part-P certificate.

26 April 2006 (1.09.0202)
- Fixed creating templates for Fire Alarm Certificate.
- Fixed focus working correctly for check boxes.

25 April 2006 (1.09.0101)
- Added option to set certificate reminders.
- Added Part-P certificates.

14 April 2006 (1.08.0404)
- Fixed small icons showing for Site Survey Forms.
- Fixed page 2 previewing correctly for Domestic Installation Cert.
- Added Close certificate button to top right corner.
- Fixed printing site survey forms on Windows 9x.

11 April 2006 (1.08.0301)
- Added Periodic Inspection report to Site Survey Forms.
- Added Electrical Installation Certificate to Site Survey Forms.
- Fixed crash when opening Domestic Electrical Inst certificate on Windows 2000.
- Fixed application icon displaying correctly.
- Fixed check boxes drawing correctly.
- Fixed F7 working correctly for spell checking.

10 April 2006 (1.08.0202)
- Added Email Certificate option.

08 April 2006 (1.08.0201)
- Added Site Survey Forms section.

03 April 2006 (1.08.0194)
- Check boxes can now be set to LIM.
- Added Spelling Check feature.
- Added spelling options to settings dialog.

30 March 2006 (1.08.0192)
- Fixed Save As Certificate working correctly.
- Added Save Template feature for saving custom base templates.

28 March 2006 (1.08.0070)
- Tick boxes now ticked when creating new certificates.
- Fixed saving Position with Periodic Inspection report.
- Validation feature added for validating certificate entries.

25 March 2006 (1.07.0060)
- Fixed mouse cursor during auto update checking.
- Fixed status bar text displaying during auto update checking.

24 March 2006 (1.07.0030)
- Fixed column sizes being rememberd correctly on continuation schedules.
- Fixed instrument details saving correctly.
- Fixes saving observations continuation correctly for certain characters.

20 March 2006 (1.06.0050)
- Fixed small icon view showing certificates correctly.
- Added option to general settings to hide sample certificates.
- Column sizes are now rememberd for circuit details/test results.
- Added Database Defaults section to Settings.
- User can now customise database default values.
- Added Records of Issue to main Certificates section.
- Added option to set number of recent certificates displayed.

17 March 2006 (1.05.0030)
- Fixed bug in updating Organisation Trading Title.
- Improved wizard pages.
- Improved support for Domestic Installers only.

13 March 2006
- Auto update feature now prompts correctly on startup.
- Fixed crash when switching between different certificates.

10 March 2006
- Fixed saving tick options for Electrical Installation Certificate.
- Fixed custom font colour being set correctly.
- Added option to set bold, italic, and underline for printer font.
- Fixed insulation method tooltip working correctly.

07 March 2006
- Fixed drawing ticks correctly with certain printers.

03 March 2006
- Support for adding continuation pages to existing certificates.
- Fixed crash when opening/closing several certificates.
- Added option to disable grouping within certificates list.
- Default sorting of certificates added.
- Fixed typo within Identification check boxes.
- Certificate numbers now shown within print preview.
- Certificate number now printed on continuation pages.
- Fixed recent menu loading certificates correctly.
- Fixed crash when saving to PDF documents.
- Fixed saving to PDC documents setting paper correctly.
- Fixed bug when saving/printing Supply Characteristics over 5 characters.

01 March 2006
- Initial release
- Auto numbers feature added.
- Printer alignment dialog added for other printers.
